Match your products accurately against exact or similar products your competitors offer.
Get real-time alerts on product price changes and adjust your prices instantly.
Monitor your competitors' promotional strategies, stocks, and product assortments.
Analyze historical and real-time pricing data to understand the market better.
Gain insights into pricing, consumers, and market demand to win more sales and profits.
Dive deeper into geographical and seasonal shopping trends to optimize strategies.
Maintain brand reputation by implementing MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) policies.
Receive real-time alerts if product pricing is below the set price range.
Track MAP violations by closely monitoring retailers across multiple marketplaces.
Setting the right price is essential for maximizing profits and market share, but it's challenging due to dynamic market conditions and a high volume of products. Our competitor price monitoring tool offers insights for confident and strategic pricing decisions.
Retailer and
seller insights
Price Scraping
The tool collects product price data from any online source at the desired frequency. Our advanced technology bypasses website blockages and delivers price updates every 15 minutes.
Intuitive Dashboard
We provide a single view of all your competitors' pricing for effortless comparison. You can spot pricing changes and gaps and identify profit opportunities via the dashboard.
Product Matching
Identifies products for price monitoring using powerful AI/ML algorithms. Match products across categories based on product title, image, URL, UAN, and EAN.
We help you identify the right competitors and define products for price monitoring. Let accurate pricing data guide your strategic moves for better outcomes.
Product Identification
Start by identifying the competitors and the products you need to monitor.
Monitoring Frequency
Decide how frequently you need the pricing data to be collected.
Price Tracking
Start price monitoring and receive notifications every time a price change occurs.
Optimize Pricing
Make data-backed pricing decisions and stay ahead of your competitors.