Catalog content creation with search-visibility

The Business Need

The second-largest discount store retailer in the United States wanted to add SEO-friendly content to their popular products in order to increase organic site visibility. They were looking for unique product descriptions with a right balance of search-engine-friendly keyword terms and unique SEO content that would help in better conversions and generate more organic traffic to the website. Also, the client was looking for technical assistance as the products were from varied categories, which meant the process would be time-consuming.

Challenges we faced

The catalogs were required to be revamped completely to make them search-friendly and rank when a user searches using long-tail keywords which is usually a casual search culture. Also, products were from varied categories and the client expected delivery of search-friendly content for over a 60,000 products in a span of ten months. Some of the products were from home brands, so, the writers had to describe the products by looking at the image. This meant expertise in terms of product understanding.

How we solved the problem

  • Our team of expert Content Writers and editors worked on product content by incorporating an extensive keyword research and optimized it to be search-friendly
  • Initially, an analysis of the client’s website was done to understand the style and tone of the language and the writers efficiently matched it
  • A strong quality team was assigned for the project. The quality check mainly focused on - nativity/quality, writing style, grammar and punctuation, and accuracy of information
  • After a stringent quality check, the files were moved to a QA team in the US who finally reviewed the output and focused on “readability of information”
  • After a thorough analysis, Mobius framed a client-specific style guide, which was further reviewed and approved by the client
  • All the writers were trained based on the guidelines to ensure that every description met client conventions


The product pages started ranking well in the organic search results as a result of our extensive product page optimization services. Not just within the marketplace search engine, but also on Google, the indexation was spot on! Unique content fortified with relevant keywords at appropriate density levels improved the site’s overall crawlability from search engine spiders. This helped the client gain a 25-30 % increase in site indexation. With a hybrid production model, Mobius was able to meet the client expectations in terms of quality and quantity - with almost 30-40 % of the actual cost which the client would have spent forming an in-house team and 70 % of the actual cost that would have been spent hiring outsourcing partner in the market.

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